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twm: Connect to the default X server.
$ twm
try on your machine

The command "twm" stands for "Tab Window Manager." It is a window manager for X Window System, which is a protocol that provides a graphical user interface for Unix-like operating systems. TWM is a fairly basic window manager, known for its lightweight and simplicity.

When you run the "twm" command in a terminal or command prompt, it starts the TWM window manager and takes control of the graphical user interface. TWM provides features like window decorations (titlebars, borders, etc.), virtual desktops, and setting window placement and behavior.

Overall, running the "twm" command allows you to use the TWM window manager to manage and control the windows on your X Window System desktop.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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