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tye: Run an application locally.
$ tye run
try on your machine

The command "tye run" is used to start the Tye development experience, which is a tool for building, running, and testing microservices locally.

When you execute "tye run" command in the command-line interface, it looks for a file called "tye.yaml" in the current directory. This YAML configuration file contains information about the services, dependencies, and hosting requirements of your microservices.

After locating the "tye.yaml" file, Tye starts orchestrating the deployment of your microservices on your local machine. It spins up all the necessary services and dependencies for your application to run properly. Tye automatically determines the appropriate containerization method (Docker or process isolation) based on the platform availability and configuration.

Essentially, "tye run" simplifies the process of running and debugging your microservices locally, making it easier to develop and test your application before deploying it to a production environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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