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tye: Deploy an application to Kubernetes.
$ tye deploy
try on your machine

The command "tye deploy" is related to a tool called "Tye" used for local development and deployment of microservices applications. When you run the "tye deploy" command, it triggers the deployment process for your application.

Here' what typically happens when running "tye deploy":

  1. Tye examines the configuration in your Tye project file (usually named "tye.yaml") to determine the services and dependencies in your application.
  2. It builds or compiles the necessary artifacts for your services.
  3. Tye then creates the infrastructure required to host and run your application locally.
  4. It also orchestrates the deployment of each service, ensuring they are started and connected properly.
  5. Tye monitors the containers or processes running the services and provides logs, metrics, and diagnostics.

In summary, "tye deploy" launches the deployment process for your microservices application, creating the necessary infrastructure and starting the services defined in your Tye project file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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