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tye: Build an application's containers.
$ tye build
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The "tye build" command is a command used in Tye, a developer tool from Microsoft, to build all the projects in a Tye application.

When you run "tye build" in the command line, it triggers the compilation and build process for all the projects configured in the Tye application. Tye automatically detects the projects by inspecting the solution and generates the necessary artifacts for deployment.

This command allows you to build your Tye application, including all microservices and infrastructure components, preparing them for deployment or testing. It ensures that all projects are built and dependencies are resolved before moving forward with other Tye commands like "tye run" or "tye deploy".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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