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tye: Remove a deployed application from Kubernetes.
$ tye undeploy
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The command "tye undeploy" is used in Tye, a developer tool by Microsoft, for undeploying or removing the running services or applications that are managed by Tye.

When you deploy services using Tye, it manages the creation, configuration, and deployment of those services. However, there might be instances where you need to stop and remove these deployed services. That's where the "tye undeploy" command comes into play.

By running "tye undeploy," you instruct Tye to identify the services or applications that were previously deployed and gracefully shut them down and remove them from the hosting environment. This can reclaim any resources used by the services and clean up the environment.

It is important to note that the "tye undeploy" command should be executed in the same directory where you initially ran the "tye run" or "tye deploy" command to deploy the services. This ensures that Tye knows which services to undeploy.

Overall, "tye undeploy" is a convenient command to remove services deployed using Tye, allowing you to manage your development and testing environments efficiently.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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