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typeorm: Generate a new initial TypeORM project structure.
$ typeorm init
try on your machine

The command "typeorm init" is used to initialize a new TypeORM project. TypeORM is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library that allows you to work with databases using object-oriented programming techniques.

When you run the "typeorm init" command, it performs the following tasks:

  1. Asks you to choose the project type:

    • "Backend application" is for creating a new server-side application.
    • "Database migration" is for creating migration files to manage database schema changes.
    • "Generate a new migration file" is for creating a new migration file based on your existing entities.
  2. Asks you to specify the project name and the TypeScript configuration file path (tsconfig.json).

  3. Asks you to choose the database type, such as "mysql," "postgres," "mongodb," etc. You need to select the database type you want to use in your project.

  4. Asks you to enter the database connection details like host, port, username, password, and database name. This information is necessary to establish a connection with the specified database.

  5. Asks you to choose the ORM features you want to enable, such as "Entity," "Migration," "Subscriber," and "Other."

  6. Generates the project skeleton, including the required files and directories, based on the selected options.

After running the "typeorm init" command and completing the setup process, you will have a basic project structure with the necessary configurations and files to start developing your application using TypeORM.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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