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ubuntu-security-status: List packages that are no longer available for download.
$ ubuntu-security-status --unavailable
try on your machine

The command "ubuntu-security-status --unavailable" is used to check the status of security updates on an Ubuntu system.

When this command is executed in the terminal, it performs a scan of the system's package sources and compares them to the Ubuntu Security Notices (USN) database. It then provides a report that shows the security updates that are not available for installation on the system.

In particular, the "--unavailable" option filters the report to show only the security updates that are not currently available. This can be useful to identify any packages that may have been removed from the official Ubuntu repositories or updates that are pending verification or release.

Overall, running this command helps users assess the security of their Ubuntu system by providing information on any missing or unavailable security updates that need attention.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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