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ugrep: Start a query TUI to search files in the current directory recursively (CTRL-Z for help).
$ ugrep --query
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The command "ugrep --query" is used to perform a string/text search within files or directories using the ugrep utility.

ugrep is an advanced and highly capable version of grep, an commonly used Unix tool for searching text files for patterns. ugrep enhances grep with additional features and options, making it more powerful and efficient.

The "--query" option in the command specifies the string or pattern to search for. You would replace "query" with the actual term or pattern you want to look for.

For example, if you want to search for the word "example" in a file called "text.txt", you would execute the command:

ugrep --query example text.txt

The ugrep utility will then scan the specified file or directory and display any lines that contain the term "example" in the output.

This command can be further customized by using various options provided by ugrep, such as specifying different search modes, modifying output formatting, ignoring case sensitivity, searching specific file types, and many more.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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