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uname: Print the current operating system name.
$ uname --operating-system
try on your machine

The command "uname --operating-system" is used to display the name of the operating system on which the command is being run.

The "uname" command is a commonly used command in Unix-like operating systems. It is short for "Unix name" and is used to obtain system information including the operating system name, kernel version, machine hardware, and other details.

Adding the option "--operating-system" to the "uname" command specifically requests it to display the name of the operating system. This can be helpful when you need to identify the specific OS you are working with, especially when scripting or in scenarios where the system may have multiple OS possibilities.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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