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List of commands for uncrustify:

  • uncrustify:tldr:04ff0 uncrustify: Generate a new configuration file.
    $ uncrustify --update-config -o ${path-to-new-cfg}
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  • uncrustify:tldr:13e6a uncrustify: Explicitly set a configuration variable's value.
    $ uncrustify --set ${option}=${value}
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  • uncrustify:tldr:5dbce uncrustify: Use a custom configuration file and write the result to `stdout`.
    $ uncrustify -c ${path-to-uncrustify-cfg} -f ${filename-cpp}
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  • uncrustify:tldr:a6aa4 uncrustify: Format a single file.
    $ uncrustify -f ${filename-cpp} -o ${path-to-output-cpp}
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