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unrar: Extract files to a specified path with the original directory structure.
$ unrar x ${compressed-rar} ${path-to-extract}
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This command is used to extract the contents of a compressed RAR file (.rar extension) to a specific destination folder. Here's what each part of the command does:

  • unrar: This is the command-line tool used for extracting RAR archives.
  • x: Specifies the command to extract files from the archive.
  • ${compressed-rar}: This is a placeholder for the path to the compressed RAR file that you want to extract. You need to replace ${compressed-rar} with the actual file path.
  • ${path-to-extract}: This is a placeholder for the destination folder where the extracted files will be placed. You need to replace ${path-to-extract} with the actual path to the folder where you want to extract the files.

Here's an example of how the command might appear after replacing the placeholders:

unrar x /path/to/archive.rar /path/to/extract

This command will extract the contents of the archive.rar file located at /path/to/archive.rar and place them in the /path/to/extract folder.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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