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unsquashfs: List files and their attributes inside the squashfs filesystem (without extracting).
$ unsquashfs -lls ${filesystem-squashfs}
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The command "unsquashfs -lls ${filesystem-squashfs}" is used to list the files and directories contained within a SquashFS filesystem.

  • "unsquashfs" is the command used to extract (or unsquash) the contents of a SquashFS filesystem.
  • "-lls" is an option that instructs unsquashfs to list the files and directories in the SquashFS filesystem. The output will include detailed information about each file, such as its permissions, size, owner, and group.
  • "${filesystem-squashfs}" is a placeholder for the path to the SquashFS filesystem file that you want to extract or list.

By running this command, you will get a detailed listing of all the files and directories present within the specified SquashFS filesystem.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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