The command "upower --monitor-detail" is used to display detailed information about power devices in the system.
Here is a breakdown of each component of the command:
"upower": It refers to the UPower daemon, which is a service that's responsible for managing power devices in a Linux system. It provides a standardized interface to interact with power-related functionality, such as batteries and AC adapters.
"--monitor-detail": This option instructs the UPower daemon to monitor power devices and display detailed information about them in real-time. It continually updates the output as any changes occur, allowing you to see the current status of power devices and their properties.
When you run the command "upower --monitor-detail" in a terminal, it will display a continuous stream of information about connected power devices, such as their battery level, charging state, vendor, model, and more. This can be useful for monitoring the power status of your laptop, UPS, or other power devices connected to your system. To stop the monitoring, you can press Ctrl+C.