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uuidgen: Create a UUIDv5 of the name with a specified namespace prefix.
$ uuidgen --sha1 --namespace ${select} --name ${object_name}
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The command uuidgen is a command-line utility that generates a universally unique identifier (UUID). A UUID is a 128-bit value that is unique across all devices and time, typically used to identify entities like objects or resources.

The provided command uuidgen --sha1 --namespace ${select} --name ${object_name} generates a UUID using the SHA-1 hashing algorithm with a specified namespace and object name.

Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • uuidgen: The command itself that generates a UUID.
  • --sha1: Specifies the hashing algorithm to be SHA-1. This algorithm takes a given input and produces a 160-bit hash value.
  • --namespace ${select}: Specifies the namespace for the UUID generation. Namespaces act as unique identifiers for different purposes.
  • --name ${object_name}: Specifies the name of the object or entity for which the UUID is being generated. It helps ensure uniqueness when combined with the namespace.

In this command, you would need to replace ${select} with an appropriate UUID namespace value and ${object_name} with the name of the specific object for which you want to generate a UUID.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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