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uvcdynctrl: before {{-value}}).
$ uvcdynctrl -s ${control_name} ${value}
try on your machine

The uvcdynctrl -s command is used to set the value of a control in a UVC (USB Video Class) device dynamically. UVC is a standard format for video devices like webcams, allowing them to be used with various operating systems.

The command requires two arguments:

  1. ${control_name}: This is the name or identifier of the control you want to set the value for. It could be something like "Brightness" or "Exposure" which represent specific settings of the video device. This argument is usually specified in a predefined format.

  2. ${value}: This is the value that you want to set for the corresponding control. The format of the value depends on the control being set. It could be an integer, a boolean (like 0 or 1), or a string.

Putting it all together, when you execute the uvcdynctrl -s ${control_name} ${value} command, it tells the uvcdynctrl utility to set the specified control in the UVC device to the provided value. This allows you to dynamically adjust various settings of the video device.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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