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vagrant: List all local boxes.
$ vagrant box list
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The command "vagrant box list" is used with Vagrant, a tool used to create and manage virtual development environments.

When executed, "vagrant box list" displays a list of available boxes. A box is a packaged and pre-configured virtual machine (VM) environment that can be used in Vagrant. It typically contains an operating system and other necessary software and configurations.

This command helps users to get an overview of the boxes they have installed or downloaded on their machine. The displayed list usually includes the box name, provider (e.g., VirtualBox, VMware), and version.

This command is useful when managing boxes in Vagrant, as it allows users to check what boxes are currently available and select the appropriate one for creating or starting a VM.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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