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vagrant: Start and provision the vagrant environment.
$ vagrant up
try on your machine

The command vagrant up is a command used in the Vagrant virtualization software to create and configure virtual machines (VMs) as defined by the Vagrantfile.

When you run vagrant up, Vagrant will read the Vagrantfile in the current directory and start a virtual machine based on the specified configuration. It uses a provider, such as VirtualBox, VMware, or Hyper-V, to create and manage the VM.

Here's the general workflow of the vagrant up command:

  1. Vagrant reads the Vagrantfile and defines the VM's configuration, including the base box, network settings, shared folders, provisioners, and any other necessary settings.
  2. Vagrant checks if the specified base box is present locally, and if not, it downloads it from a remote repository, such as Vagrant Cloud.
  3. Vagrant creates a new VM based on the specified provider (e.g., VirtualBox).
  4. It configures the VM according to the settings specified in the Vagrantfile, such as memory, CPU, disk size, and network settings.
  5. If there are any provisioners specified in the Vagrantfile, they will be executed in order to set up the environment inside the VM. Provisioners can be used to install software, configure services, or execute shell scripts, among other things.
  6. After the VM is successfully created and provisioned, it will be accessible and ready to use.

The vagrant up command is typically one of the most commonly used Vagrant commands during the development workflow, as it allows developers to quickly create and configure consistent development environments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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