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vagrant: Halt the machine.
$ vagrant halt
try on your machine

The command "vagrant halt" is used in the Vagrant virtual machine management system. It is used to shut down or halt a running Vagrant virtual machine.

When you run "vagrant halt," Vagrant issues a command to the underlying virtualization system (such as VirtualBox or VMware) to gracefully shut down the virtual machine. This ensures that any running processes or services inside the virtual machine are properly stopped before the virtual machine is powered off.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what happens when you execute "vagrant halt":

  1. Vagrant checks if there is a Vagrantfile in the current directory or any parent directory. The Vagrantfile specifies the configuration for the virtual machine.

  2. If a Vagrantfile is found, Vagrant reads the configuration settings, including the provider (such as VirtualBox) and the name of the virtual machine to halt.

  3. Vagrant communicates with the virtualization system (specified in the Vagrantfile) using a provider-specific API to send a command to halt the virtual machine.

  4. The virtualization system gracefully shuts down the virtual machine by sending a shutdown command to the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine. This allows any running processes or services to safely stop and finish any outstanding tasks.

  5. Once the virtual machine has halted, Vagrant confirms the operation and returns control to the command line.

It's important to note that the "vagrant halt" command is different from "vagrant destroy." "vagrant destroy" completely removes the virtual machine and its associated disk images, while "vagrant halt" simply shuts it down.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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