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valet: Share a project via an Ngrok tunnel.
$ valet share
try on your machine

The command "valet share" is specific to the Valet tool, which is a development environment for macOS.

When you run the "valet share" command, it allows you to share your local development site with others over the internet. It creates a secure tunnel between your local machine and a remote server, allowing other people to access and view your website from anywhere in the world using a temporary URL.

This can be useful when you want to demonstrate your work to clients or colleagues who are not physically in the same location as you. It eliminates the need for deploying your code to a live server or hosting it on a public domain for a quick showcase.

Once you run the "valet share" command, it will provide you with a URL that you can share with others. They can access your website by opening that URL in their web browser and interact with the site as if it were live on a public server.

It's worth noting that this functionality is only available when you have Valet installed and properly configured on your macOS machine, and that you may need to start the Valet services before using the "valet share" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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