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valet: Serve a single site instead of an entire directory.
$ valet link app-name
try on your machine

The command "valet link app-name" is used in the context of Laravel Valet, a development environment for macOS used for easily setting up local development sites. When you run this command, it creates a symbolic link between your Laravel application and the Valet system, enabling you to access your application using a secure domain name (ending with '.test' by default) in your web browser.

Specifically, "app-name" refers to the name of the directory where your Laravel application is stored. By using this command, Valet automates the process of configuring your local domain and setting up the necessary settings for your application to be easily accessible through a web browser. This allows you to access your Laravel application through "http://app-name.test" or any other domain you may have configured with Valet.

In summary, "valet link app-name" creates a link between your Laravel application and Valet, enabling you to access the application via a domain name in your web browser, improving the ease of development and testing.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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