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vault: Store a new secret in the vault, using the generic back-end called "secret".
$ vault write secret/${hello} value=${world}
try on your machine

This command is using the "vault write" command to write a secret into HashiCorp Vault.

Here's how to break down the command:

  • "vault": The command-line tool used to interact with HashiCorp Vault.
  • "write": Specifies the operation to write a secret into Vault.
  • "secret/${hello}": This is the path where the secret is being written. The secret is being written under a logical path named "secret" with a dynamic value provided by the variable "hello". For example, if the value of "hello" is "mysecret", the secret will be written to "secret/mysecret".
  • "value=${world}": Specifies the value of the secret being written. The value is assigned through the variable "world". For example, if the value of "world" is "myvalue", the secret will be written with the value "myvalue".

In summary, this command writes a secret with a specific value to a specific path in HashiCorp Vault, where the path and value are determined by the variables "hello" and "world" respectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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