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vault: Connect to a Vault server and initialize a new encrypted data store.
$ vault init
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The vault init command is used to initialize a new Vault server. Vault is an open-source tool developed by HashiCorp, designed for securely storing and accessing sensitive data.

When executed, the vault init command generates and prints a set of unseal keys and a root token. These keys and token play a critical role in the security and access control of the Vault server.

Here's the step-by-step process of vault init:

  1. Executing the vault init command generates a master key (referred to as the "initial root token") for the Vault server.
  2. The command also generates a set of unseal keys. These keys are required to unseal (decrypt) the encrypted data stored in the Vault. By default, Vault uses Shamir's Secret Sharing algorithm to divide the master key into multiple shards, and any specified number of these shards can be used to recreate the original key and unlock the Vault.
  3. Once the keys are generated, the command outputs the unseal keys and the initial root token. It's crucial to securely store these, as they grant access to the Vault server and its contents.
  4. After initialization, the Vault server is in a sealed state, and no key is loaded in memory. To use the Vault, it needs to be unsealed using the vault unseal command, with at least as many unseal keys as required.

In summary, the vault init command is the starting point for setting up and securing a new Vault server, providing the necessary keys and token to access and manage the server and the data stored within it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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