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vault: Read a specific field from the value.
$ vault read -field=${field_name} secret/${hello}
try on your machine

This command is calling the "vault" command-line tool and using the "read" subcommand.

The "-field=${field_name}" option is used to specify a specific field within the secret that you want to extract. "${field_name}" is a placeholder for the name of the field you want to extract. For example, if "${field_name}" is "password", the command will extract the value of the "password" field from the secret.

The "secret/${hello}" argument specifies the path to the secret you want to read. "${hello}" is another placeholder for the name of the secret. For example, if "${hello}" is "mysecret", the command will read the secret located at "secret/mysecret".

In summary, this command is used to read a specific field from a secret stored in HashiCorp Vault.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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