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vault: Seal (lock) the Vault server, by removing the encryption key of the data store from memory.
$ vault seal
try on your machine

The command "vault seal" is usually used in the context of HashiCorp Vault, an open-source tool used for securely managing secrets and sensitive data.

When you execute the "vault seal" command, it effectively puts Vault into a sealed state. Sealing Vault means that it becomes temporarily inaccessible and all operations are blocked. This is an important security feature of Vault.

Sealing Vault typically happens automatically when certain conditions are met, such as after a certain number of failed attempts to access it, or when manually triggered by an administrator. It acts as a safeguard to protect against unauthorized access or tampering with sensitive data.

To unseal Vault and make it accessible again, a specific unsealing process is required, involving the use of a master key or unseal keys. This process ensures that only authorized personnel can regain access to Vault and its secrets.

Overall, the "vault seal" command is used to intentionally seal Vault and suspend its operations temporarily for security reasons, preventing any unauthorized access to sensitive information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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