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vboxmanage: Shutdown down the virtual machine without saving its state.
$ VBoxManage controlvm ${select} poweroff
try on your machine

The command "VBoxManage controlvm ${select} poweroff" is used to power off a virtual machine (VM) in VirtualBox using VBoxManage, which is the command-line management interface for VirtualBox.

In the command, "${select}" is not a specific term, but it signifies a placeholder that needs to be replaced with the actual name or ID of the VM you want to power off. For example, if the name of the VM is "MyVM", you would replace "${select}" with "MyVM" to form the complete command.

When executed, this command sends a power off signal to the specified VM, causing it to gracefully shut down and terminate all running processes within the VM. It is similar to shutting down a physical computer by initiating a software shutdown rather than simply cutting off the power.

It is worth noting that a VM should be properly shut down using this command or through the VM's operating system before performing actions like restarting, saving a snapshot, or closing VirtualBox to avoid any data loss or other potential issues.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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