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List of commands for vcsh:

  • vcsh:tldr:05e6b vcsh: Write a custom `.gitignore` file for a managed repository.
    $ vcsh write-gitignore ${repository_name}
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  • vcsh:tldr:4f5eb vcsh: Initialize an (empty) repository.
    $ vcsh init ${repository_name}
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  • vcsh:tldr:87ba3 vcsh: Push/pull all managed repositories to/from remotes.
    $ vcsh ${select}
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  • vcsh:tldr:b4e19 vcsh: List all managed repositories.
    $ vcsh list
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  • vcsh:tldr:cc62c vcsh: Execute a Git command on a managed repository.
    $ vcsh ${repository_name} ${git_command}
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  • vcsh:tldr:ec5d9 vcsh: Clone a repository into a custom directory name.
    $ vcsh clone ${git_url} ${repository_name}
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