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vdir: List files and directories in the current directory, one per line, with details.
$ vdir
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The command "vdir" is used to display a detailed list of files and directories in the current directory. It is similar to the "dir" command in Windows or "ls -l" command in Unix/Linux systems.

When executed, "vdir" displays the following information for each file/directory:

  • Permissions: This section shows the read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, group, and others.
  • Size: This represents the size of the file or directory.
  • Date and Time: This indicates the last modification date and time of the file or directory.
  • Name: This shows the name of the file or directory.

This command is often used when a more detailed view of the files and directories is needed, such as when reviewing permissions, checking file sizes, or sorting files by modification date.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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