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vegeta: Launch an attack against multiple URLs from a file.
$ vegeta attack -duration=${30s} -targets=${requests-txt} | vegeta report
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The command "vegeta attack -duration=${30s} -targets=${requests-txt} | vegeta report" is used with the Vegeta tool, which is an open-source HTTP load testing utility.

  • "vegeta attack" initiates the attack with the specified options.

    • "-duration=${30s}" sets the duration of the attack to 30 seconds. The variable "${30s}" represents a duration of 30 seconds.
    • "-targets=${requests-txt}" specifies the targets for the attack. The variable "${requests-txt}" represents a file containing the list of requests to be attacked.
  • "|" (pipe) is a Unix command that allows the output of one command to be used as the input for another command.

  • "vegeta report" generates a report based on the results of the attack.

In summary, this command initiates a 30-second attack using the targets specified in the "requests-txt" file and then generates a report based on the results of the attack.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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