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vela: Trigger a pipeline to run from a Git branch, commit or tag.
$ vela add deployment --org ${organization} --repo ${repository_name} --target ${environment} --ref ${select} --description "${deploy_description}"
try on your machine

This command is used to add a new deployment in a specific environment using the Vela Continuous Deployment (CD) system. Here is the breakdown of each component:

  • vela add deployment: This part of the command specifies that you want to add a new deployment.

  • --org ${organization}: This option is used to specify the organization or project you want to deploy. ${organization} is a placeholder for the actual organization name.

  • --repo ${repository_name}: This option is used to specify the repository or codebase within the organization to be deployed. ${repository_name} is a placeholder for the actual repository name.

  • --target ${environment}: This option is used to specify the target environment where the deployment is intended to be made. ${environment} is a placeholder for the actual environment name.

  • --ref ${select}: This option is used to specify the reference or version of the code to be deployed. ${select} is a placeholder for the actual reference or version.

  • --description "${deploy_description}": This option is used to provide a description or summary for the deployment. ${deploy_description} is a placeholder for the actual description.

By running this command with the appropriate values for each placeholder, you can add a deployment in the specified environment, repository, and organization with the given description.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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