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vela: Inspect a specific deployment.
$ vela view deployment --org ${organization} --repo ${repository_name} --deployment ${deployment_number}
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This command is using the Vela CLI to view a specific deployment within a repository belonging to a particular organization.

Here is the breakdown of each part of the command:

  • vela view deployment: This is the command to view a deployment in Vela.
  • --org ${organization}: This flag specifies the organization or account name which owns the repository. Replace ${organization} with the actual name of the organization.
  • --repo ${repository_name}: This flag specifies the name of the repository. Replace ${repository_name} with the actual name of the repository.
  • --deployment ${deployment_number}: This flag specifies the number or ID of the deployment to be viewed. Replace ${deployment_number} with the actual number of the deployment.

By running this command, you can view the details and status of a specific deployment within the specified repository and organization. It helps you monitor and assess the progress of your deployments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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