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veracrypt: Create a new volume through a text user interface and use `/dev/urandom` as a source of random data.
$ veracrypt --text --create --random-source=${-dev-urandom}
try on your machine

The command you provided is used to create a new encrypted volume using VeraCrypt, a popular open-source disk encryption software. Let's break down the individual components of the command:

  1. veracrypt: This is the command itself, which launches the VeraCrypt application.

  2. --text: This option specifies that the command is to be executed in text mode rather than through a graphical user interface (GUI). In text mode, the command operates solely in the terminal.

  3. --create: This option tells VeraCrypt that we want to create a new encrypted volume. When creating a volume, VeraCrypt will prompt you for various settings and parameters.

  4. --random-source=${-dev-urandom}: This option specifies the random data source to be used during the volume creation process. /dev/urandom is a system file that generates random data in Unix-like operating systems. By using this option, VeraCrypt gathers random data from /dev/urandom as a source to enhance the encryption strength of the new volume.

Note: The command you provided contains a typo; ${-dev-urandom} should actually be ${RANDOM_SOURCE}. The corrected command should be: veracrypt --text --create --random-source=${RANDOM_SOURCE}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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