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vercel: Deploy the current directory.
$ vercel
try on your machine

The "vercel" command is a command-line tool used for deploying web applications and static websites to the Vercel platform. Vercel is a cloud platform that provides a serverless deployment infrastructure specifically designed for hosting frontend projects.

When you run the "vercel" command, it interacts with the Vercel platform to deploy your application. It analyzes your project's code, builds and packages it, and then uploads it to the Vercel servers. The command offers a variety of optional flags and parameters that allow you to customize the deployment process.

By using "vercel", you can easily deploy your frontend projects without the need for complex server configurations. It automates the deployment process and provides features like automatic scaling, caching, and global CDN (Content Delivery Network) distribution to ensure fast and reliable hosting for your applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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