The command "vercel --prod" is used to deploy a web application or website to the production environment using the Vercel platform.
Vercel is a cloud platform that specializes in deploying static websites and serverless functions, making it easy to host and manage your web applications.
When you run the "vercel --prod" command, it tells Vercel to deploy your application or website to the production environment. The production environment is where your application will be publicly accessible to users.
During the deployment process, Vercel will build and optimize your application's code, assets, and assets, ensuring that it runs efficiently and loads quickly for users. Vercel automatically optimizes your code for better performance and enables features like automatic caching and CDN (Content Delivery Network) distribution to ensure fast delivery worldwide.
By specifying "--prod" in the command, you are instructing Vercel to deploy your application to the production environment, rather than a staging or development environment. Deploying to the production environment means that your application is ready for public access and typically represents the live version of your site or application.
Overall, the "vercel --prod" command simplifies the deployment process by automating tasks such as building and optimization and ensures that your website or application is ready to be used by your users in a production environment.