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vgs: Display all volume groups.
$ vgs -a
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The command "vgs -a" is used in Linux systems to display information about all the volume groups (VG) present in the system. Here's how you can break down the command:

  • "vgs": This is the actual command that stands for "volume group status." It is used to obtain information about volume groups in Linux.
  • "-a" is an option or argument provided to the "vgs" command to display all available volume groups, including inactive or empty ones. Without this option, the command would only show active or currently in use volume groups.

By executing "vgs -a" in the terminal, you will see a list of all the volume groups on your system, their attributes, and other related information like size, number of physical volumes, free size, etc.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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