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vgs: Use separator to separate fields.
$ vgs --separator =
try on your machine

The command "vgs --separator =" is used to display information about the volume groups present on a Linux system, using a specific separator. Here is a breakdown of the different parts of the command: - "vgs" is the main command used to display information about the volume groups. - "--separator" is an option that allows you to specify a separator character to separate the different output fields in the result. - "=" is the specific separator character provided in this example. It can be any character or string you want to use as a separator. In summary, this command will display information about the volume groups present on the system, with each field in the result separated by the specified separator character, which in this case is "=".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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