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List of commands for vhs:

  • vhs:tldr:0f70d vhs: Record inputs to a tape file using a specific shell.
    $ vhs record --shell ${shell} > ${filename-tape}
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  • vhs:tldr:5d6ae vhs: Create a tape file (Add commands to the tap file using your editor).
    $ vhs new ${filename-tape}
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  • vhs:tldr:9b78b vhs: Publish a gif to and get a shareable URL.
    $ vhs publish ${filename-gif}
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  • vhs:tldr:b943c vhs: Record inputs to a tape file (Once done, exit the shell to create the tape).
    $ vhs record > ${filename-tape}
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  • vhs:tldr:d2c35 vhs: Create a gif from a tape file.
    $ vhs < ${filename-tape}
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  • vhs:tldr:ec343 vhs: Validate a type file's syntax.
    $ vhs validate ${filename-tape}
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