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$ tldr vim
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The tldr command is used to display simplified and concise usage examples for different command-line tools. When you use the tldr vim command, it provides you with a brief summary of how to use the vim text editor.

vim is a powerful and widely-used text editor on Unix-based systems. It has a steep learning curve and a vast array of features, making it daunting for new users. The tldr vim command aims to help simplify the learning process by presenting common and essential commands in an easily digestible format.

The output of tldr vim typically includes a brief description of the tool, followed by a list of common commands and their usage examples. It often covers key functionalities like opening and saving files, editing and navigating within the file, searching and replacing text, undoing and redoing changes, and exiting the editor.

Overall, tldr vim is a helpful command to get a quick overview of how to use vim without diving into the extensive documentation or complex tutorials.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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