This command is used to create a clone of a virtual machine (VM) using the virt-clone tool.
Here is an explanation of the options used in the command:
--original ${vm_name}: This specifies the original VM that needs to be cloned. The ${vm_name} placeholder should be replaced with the name of the original VM.
--name ${new_vm_name}: This sets the name for the new cloned VM. The ${new_vm_name} placeholder should be replaced with the desired name for the new VM.
--file ${path-to-new_storage}: This specifies the location where the cloned VM's storage will be stored. The ${path-to-new_storage} placeholder should be replaced with the desired path for the new storage.
--mac ${select}: This option allows you to select the MAC address for the cloned VM's network interface card (NIC). The ${select} placeholder should be replaced with the desired MAC address.
In summary, this command clones a VM by specifying the original VM, providing a name for the new VM, specifying the path for new storage, and selecting a MAC address for the new VM's NIC.