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virt-xml: List all the suboptions for disk, network, and boot.
$ virt-xml --disk=? --network=? --boot=?
try on your machine

The command you provided is an incomplete command, as it contains placeholders indicated by question marks (?). In order to fully explain the command, I require the actual values for each placeholder.

However, I can still provide a general explanation of the command structure and possible options:

virt-xml is a command-line tool used to configure virtual machines (VMs) by defining their XML configuration file. It is part of the libvirt toolkit, a collection of tools and APIs for managing and interacting with virtualization technologies.

The command might look something like this with actual values:

virt-xml --disk=/path/to/disk.img --network=default --boot=hd

  • --disk represents the disk configuration for the virtual machine. The value /path/to/disk.img specifies the path to the disk image file.

  • --network specifies the network configuration for the VM. The value default indicates the default network for the virtual machine.

  • --boot configures the boot options for the VM. The value hd indicates that the virtual machine should boot from the hard disk.

These options, along with their respective values, would be used to generate or modify the XML configuration file for the virtual machine. The XML file serves as a blueprint for defining the virtual hardware components and settings of the VM.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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