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vm_stat: Display virtual memory statistics.
$ vm_stat
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The command vm_stat is a built-in utility in macOS that provides information about virtual memory statistics. It displays various statistics related to the memory usage and management on the system.

Running the vm_stat command in the Terminal will display a set of columns representing different aspects of the virtual memory system, such as pageins, pageouts, faults, etc. Here are some key columns and their explanations:

  • Mach Virtual Memory Statistics: These columns provide an overview of the virtual memory system's usage and performance.

  • Pages free: The number of free pages available for new data or code.

  • Pages active: The number of pages that have been recently accessed and are actively used.

  • Pages inactive: The number of pages that have been recently accessed but are no longer actively used.

  • Pages speculative: The number of pages marked as speculative, which means their content is not fully established yet.

  • Pages throttled: The number of pages that have been throttled due to various reasons, such as low memory conditions.

  • Pages wired down: The number of pages that are permanently locked in physical memory and cannot be swapped out.

  • Pages purgeable: The number of pages that can be purged from memory if necessary.

  • Translation Faults: The number of memory access faults that required a translation from virtual to physical memory addresses.

  • Copy-on-Write Faults: The number of memory access faults that required a copy of a page instead of directly accessing it.

  • Pageins: The number of times a page had to be read from disk into memory.

  • Pageouts: The number of times a page had to be written from memory to disk.

By analyzing the information provided by vm_stat, one can get insights into the memory usage patterns, page swapping activity, and overall system performance related to memory management in macOS.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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