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vnstati: Output hourly traffic statistics from the last 24 hours.
$ vnstati --hours --iface ${network_interface} --output ${path-to-output-png}
try on your machine

The command "vnstati --hours --iface ${network_interface} --output ${path-to-output-png}" is used to generate an hourly network traffic report using the package called "vnstati" in Linux.

Here is what each part of the command means:

  • "vnstati" is the name of the package or program that is being executed.
  • "--hours" specifies that the generated report should be in hourly intervals, showing the network traffic for each hour.
  • "--iface ${network_interface}" specifies the network interface for which the traffic report is generated. The ${network_interface} is a placeholder for the actual network interface (e.g., eth0 or wlan0).
  • "--output ${path-to-output-png}" specifies the path and filename for the generated PNG image that will contain the network traffic report. The ${path-to-output-png} is a placeholder for the actual path and filename.

In summary, when you execute this command with the appropriate network interface and output file path, the "vnstati" program will generate a PNG image file that displays the network traffic on the specified network interface, with data organized in hourly intervals.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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