vsce: Package the current working directory as a `.vsix` file.
$ vsce package
try on your machine
The vsce package
command is used to create a Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension package.
Here's how the command works:
- First, you navigate to the root directory of your VS Code extension project using your command line interface (CLI).
- Once you are in the project's root directory, you run the command
vsce package
. - When you execute this command, the VS Code extension manager (vsce) will create a package (.vsix) file for your extension.
- The package file contains all the necessary files and metadata required for installing and distributing your extension.
- The created package file can be then published to the Visual Studio Code marketplace, shared with others, or manually installed on different instances of VS Code.
In summary, the vsce package
command collects the files and information needed for your extension, bundling them into a package file that can be distributed or installed in Visual Studio Code.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.