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vso: Create an automated task upon an application's launch.
$ vso create-task --name "${string}" --description "${string}" --${select} "${command}" --on-process ${integer}
try on your machine

This command is likely used in a tool or platform that interacts with Visual Studio Online (VSO) to create a task. Let's break down the components of this command:

  • vso create-task: This part indicates that we are using the vso command to create a task in Visual Studio Online.

  • --name "${string}": This specifies the name of the task to be created. The value for name is represented by the placeholder ${string}, suggesting that you need to replace ${string} with the actual name you want to give to the task in the command.

  • --description "${string}": This sets the description for the task. Similar to the previous part, the value for description is represented by ${string}. You need to replace ${string} with the actual description you want to assign to the task.

  • --${select} "${command}": This section expects you to provide a value for the <select> parameter, which should represent a specific option or choice. The value for this parameter is represented by ${command}. You need to replace ${select} and ${command} with the corresponding options and commands relating to the task you are creating. For example, if selecting the assignee for the task, it could be something like --assignee "${username}".

  • --on-process ${integer}: This part specifies the process on which the task should be created. The value for on-process is represented by ${integer}, indicating an integer number corresponding to a specific process. You need to replace ${integer} with the actual process identifier for the task creation.

Overall, this command creates a task in Visual Studio Online with the specified name, description, options, and process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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