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vzdump: Back up all guest systems and send an notification email to the root and admin users.
$ vzdump --all --mode ${suspend} --mailto ${root} --mailto ${admin}
try on your machine

This command is an example of using the "vzdump" command-line tool to create backups of virtual machines (VMs) in a virtualization environment based on OpenVZ or Proxmox.

Explanation of the command:

  • "vzdump": This is the command-line tool used to create backups of VMs.

  • "--all": This option specifies that all VMs should be backed up. It includes all running and stopped VMs in the backup process.

  • "--mode ${suspend}": This option instructs the tool to suspend the VMs during the backup process. Suspending the VMs ensures data consistency and prevents any changes during the backup operation. The value "${suspend}" represents a variable that should be replaced with the desired suspension mode (e.g., suspend, stop, snapshot, etc.).

  • "--mailto ${root}": This option specifies an email address (represented by the variable "${root}") to which an email notification will be sent after the backup process is completed. In this case, the email address seems to correspond to the system root user.

  • "--mailto ${admin}": This option specifies an additional email address (represented by the variable "${admin}") to which an email notification will be sent after the backup is completed. In this case, the email address seems to correspond to the system admin user.

Overall, using this command will create backups for all VMs, suspending them during the process, and then send email notifications to both the root and admin users once the backups are done.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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