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waitress-serve: Start waitress on a Unix socket.
$ waitress-serve --unix-socket=${path-to-socket} ${import-path:wsgi_func}
try on your machine

The command waitress-serve is used to launch a Waitress server, which is a pure-Python production server for WSGI applications.

Now let's break down the command you provided:

--unix-socket=${path-to-socket}: This flag is used to specify the Unix socket on which the server will listen for connections. ${path-to-socket} should be replaced with the actual path to the Unix socket file.

${import-path:wsgi_func}: This is the import path and function name for the WSGI application that will be served by the Waitress server. ${import-path} should be replaced with the actual import path of the Python module containing your WSGI application, and wsgi_func should be replaced with the actual name of the function that serves as the entry point for the WSGI application.

In summary, this command starts a Waitress server that listens on a specified Unix socket and serves a WSGI application specified by the import path and function name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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