wal-telegram: Generate with wal's palette and a colored background based on the palette.
$ wal-telegram --tiled
try on your machine
The command "wal-telegram --tiled" is used to generate a theme for the Telegram messaging app using the Pywal tool.
- "wal-telegram" is the name of the command used to generate a Telegram theme.
- "--tiled" is an optional flag or argument that can be added to the command. It specifies a specific layout for the theme, in this case, a tiled layout.
When this command is executed, Pywal analyzes the colors from your current desktop wallpaper and generates a color scheme based on those colors. It then applies this color scheme to the Telegram app, changing the appearance of the various elements within the app like the background, text, and buttons. By specifying the "--tiled" flag, you can customize the theme in a way that suits a tiled layout, which could modify aspects such as the placement of chat bubbles or other visual elements within the Telegram app.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.