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wapm: Download all the packages listed as dependencies in `wapm.toml`.
$ wapm install
try on your machine

The command "wapm install" is a command that is used to install a package from the WebAssembly Package Manager (WAPM) registry onto your system.

WebAssembly is a binary instruction format that can be run by modern web browsers. It allows developers to write applications in languages like C, C++, Rust, and others, and run them in web browsers at near-native speeds.

WAPM is a package manager specifically designed for WebAssembly packages. It allows you to search for, install, and manage WebAssembly packages that can be used in your web projects.

When you run the "wapm install" command, you are telling WAPM to install a specific package. You need to specify the name of the package you want to install, and WAPM will download the package from the WAPM registry and install it onto your system. After the installation, you can use the installed package in your web application, by including it in your code and using its functionality.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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