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wapm: Execute a package command using the Wasmer runtime.
$ wapm run ${command_name} ${arguments}
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The command: wapm run ${command_name} ${arguments} This command is used to execute a command specified by ${command_name} using the WebAssembly package manager (wapm) and pass ${arguments} as arguments to the specified command. Here's a breakdown of the components: - ${command_name}: This is the name of the command you want to run. It can be any command provided by the package you installed or a custom command defined within the package's configuration. - ${arguments}: These are the arguments that you want to provide to the command_name. Arguments can be options, flags, or values that the command expects to operate correctly. The arguments are typically strings or values separated by spaces. For example, if you have installed a package that provides a command called my-command, and you want to run it with the arguments arg1, --option, and value, you would use the command: wapm run my-command arg1 --option value This will execute the my-command with the provided arguments using wapm.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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