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warp-cli: Connect to WARP.
$ warp-cli connect
try on your machine

The command "warp-cli connect" is used to establish a connection to a Warp server or VPN (Virtual Private Network) using the Warp command-line interface (CLI).

Warp is a service provided by Cloudflare that encrypts and obscures internet traffic, improving privacy and security. The "warp-cli connect" command allows you to connect to a Warp endpoint, which creates a secure tunnel between your device and the network. This tunnel encrypts all data sent and received, preventing it from being intercepted or monitored by unauthorized entities.

By executing "warp-cli connect," you initiate the connection process, and depending on your configuration, you may need to authenticate, provide your credentials, or select a specific VPN server to connect to. Once the connection is successfully established, all your internet traffic is encrypted and routed through the Warp server, protecting your data from potential threats on the network.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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