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warp-diag: Generate a zip file with debug information including a timestamp to the output filename.
$ warp-diag --add-ts
try on your machine

The command "warp-diag --add-ts" is used to add a timestamp to diagnostic logs or debug output generated by the "warp-diag" tool.

The "warp-diag" is a command-line utility that helps collect diagnostic information and debug output related to a software application or system. It is often used to troubleshoot issues, analyze system behavior, or gather data for performance tuning.

When the "--add-ts" option is provided with the "warp-diag" command, it instructs the tool to include a timestamp in each log entry or debug statement generated. This timestamp provides the time and date information when each log or debug output occurred, which helps in analyzing the sequence of events or identifying patterns in the logging data.

Including timestamps in diagnostic logs can be helpful in various situations, such as tracking the progress of a system during its operation, identifying the timing of specific events or errors, comparing logs from multiple sources to correlate events accurately, or analyzing the performance trends over a period of time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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